Apple is preparing to launch its newest iPhone, powered by the advanced A18 chip, which has been designed using Arm's state-of-the-art V9 architecture. Arm, now owned by SoftBank, is the force behind this innovation, as reported by the Financial Times. The unveiling will take place at Apple's much-anticipated fall event on September 9 at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, where they are also expected to introduce a range of new devices and software upgrades.The A18 Chipsets in the iPhone 16 Series Utilize Arm's V9 Technology: Report
Last year, Apple solidified its long-term collaboration with Arm, signing a contract that will continue beyond 2040. This partnership is a huge win for Arm, whose V9 chip technology is already responsible for generating half of all smartphone revenue worldwide, as the company revealed in July.
Arm’s influence in the tech industry is immense, providing the blueprint for the computing architecture used in most smartphones today. Apple relies on this technology to craft its custom chips, which are central to the performance of its iPhones, iPads, and Macs. The relationship between Apple and Arm goes way back—Apple was one of the original backers when Arm was founded in 1990. Although the "Newton," Apple’s first handheld device released in 1993 using an Arm-based processor, failed to make waves, Arm's energy-efficient chips quickly became the backbone of mobile phone technology, offering longer battery life.
At the upcoming event, Apple is expected to introduce the iPhone 16 lineup, which will include the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Along with new iPhones, Apple is also likely to unveil new versions of the Apple Watch, AirPods, and other devices. Additionally, fans can expect an announcement about the rollout of the latest software updates, including iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS, providing a complete look at what’s coming next from Apple.
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